Receive up to a $30 per year credit on your power bill for participation in this program.
Load Management is a practice that is utilized during times of exceptionally elevated usage, which often coincide with extreme shifts in outside temperatures. Load Management Switches, when activated, cycle off participating customers’ outside heating and air-conditioning units for brief intervals throughout the peak demand period. During that time, the inside fan will continue to run, circulating the air inside the home. Additionally, the switches cycle off participating customers’ water heaters for the duration of peak demand.
To date, more than 8,000 load management switches have been installed in homes by qualified service technicians. The majority of load management participants are never inconvenienced by the switch. Most customers forget about them after a few months because there is no change in the hot water availability or comfort level in the house.
There is no installation cost and no maintenance cost for participating in the Load Management Switch program. As part of the program, you help reduce the need for future power generation. When you participate in load management, you help us also keep the cost down by reducing the amount of electricity we have to purchase during our peak demand hours, which is a time when electricity is usually the most expensive.
As a participant in CGEMC’s Load Management program, you will receive up to a $30 bill credit issued during the month of November. $10 maximum for a water heater switch and $20 maximum for an Air Conditioner switch. Credits given are not on a per switch basis.